PAS128 (D) Utility Searches A Desktop Utility Report should be the first stage of any survey, the information within provides an invaluable insight into the location and types of utilities that may be present within your site. The Report is created by contacting 30+ Utility asset holders registered within the UK requesting information on their assets such as plant location, type and guidance notes.
We can provide detailed Utility Searches quickly and cost effectively, with the most professional streamlined services available with fast turnaround times 24/7 – all searches fully completed within 5 working days.
Inaccurate or outdated utility information can lead to delays, conflicts, and interruptions in service. In a human context, however, inadequate information can lead to serious injury or even death.
The presence of utilities can have a significant effect on how a new development is planned. At construction stage, it is essential that the location of utilities is known to enable work to be carried out safely and efficiently. Our services will contribute towards the seamless planning and execution of your project, protecting your employees and avoiding costly legal action.
Damages of this nature demonstrate the criticality of getting it right onsite to avoid damage and major inconvenience and cost to those affected.
Other services We Can Provided (Nationwide)
• GPR surveys & Borehole clearances
• Topographic and measured building surveys
• Drainage & CCTV surveys
• Large Format Scanning & CAD Services
• Provide OS Mapping in all formats

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